Stansberry Watchlist — Enhancing the stock trading journey through custom stock watchlists
In Q2 - Q3 2020, I was the main designer, leading the project from ideation to launch. Throughout the product development process, I worked closely with cross-functional teams, including Product, Engineering, and Editorial.
Project Summary
At Stansberry Research, we offer a wide range of personalized content, including investment research, market news, and analytical tools catered to investors’ unique needs. Among the features that our web app offers, a stock watchlist is one of the most used tools. The stock watchlist is crucial for investors to efficiently monitor their stocks, analyze price movements, and identify potential trading opportunities.
The Problems
Our signed-in users are given a watchlist with pre-selected symbols. This experience leads to significant confusion because users have to navigate through the homepage and figure out the watchlist with irrelevant stocks, without any clear guidance on how to use the feature effectively.
Through the user interviews, we discovered that our users wanted the ability to create their watchlists from the get-go and customize it based on their needs.
User Goal
Guest users: Explore the benefits of creating a custom watchlist without the need for an account.
Signed-in users: Have a more engaging experience with complete control over customization based on their needs and preferences.
Business Goal
Provide an engaging watchlist creation experience along with seamless management of watchlists. The primary KPIs to measure success will be an increase in user engagement and sign-up rate.
New Watchlist Experience
Effortless Watchlist Creation with Clear Messaging
Users will be greeted with a screen where they can create their first watchlist if they haven’t done it already. As they add symbols to the watchlist, a preview of the watchlist appears below the search, providing users with a visual representation of their selections. For users who are new or uncertain about which symbols to add, it offers a selection of popular stocks to choose from, marking the watchlist creation more user-friendly and inclusive.
To save the watchlist or add more than 10 symbols, guest users will be prompted to create an account, with a message to remind them. Signed-in users will have an unlimited number of symbols and the ability to import symbols from their portfolio directly into the watchlist.
Setting a Default Watchlist
Investors often have multiple watchlists tailored to specific sectors or personal interests. Among these watchlists, users can set a favorite as their default watchlist, which will be pinned as the first one, ensuring them immediate access to their primary watchlist.
Seamless Management of Multiple Watchlists
Users who subscribed to our investment research now have the ability to directly import the watchlists recommended by the editors into the watchlist. These recommended watchlists will be housed in a separate tab, ensuring they remain distinct from the ones users have personally created.
Centralized Watchlist Management
Users can conveniently manage all their watchlists in one spot. They can edit watchlist names, delete watchlists, and change favorite watchlists in one central location.
We successfully rolled out the new watchlist experience in September 2020. Since its launch, we’ve received positive feedback from users, expressing how the new watchlist has significantly improved their ability to monitor stock prices and make successful investment decisions.
Additionally, we’ve seen a significant increase in user engagement and sign-up rate, as a direct result of rolling out this feature.